Tovita is not your diet. It's your lifestyle.
In fact, I don’t believe in diets. To me, a diet is like putting a band-aid over a gunshot wound and that sounds messy, doesn’t it? The word “diet” has a temporary connotation and at Tovita I'm in it for the long haul. As a registered dietitian, I understand the science behind proper nutrition as it relates to health. So, I'm here to set you up for success.
I believe in bringing you back to basics - this means whole foods, real foods, more quality, less quantity.
The name Tovita is a synergy derived from three Latin words meaning whole, energy, and life. It is this trifecta that creates the fundamental legs on which our lifestyle stands upon.
My unique, science-based approach to a healthy lifestyle doesn’t solely focus on the foods you eat. I also account for your individual daily routine, including your exercise regimen, sleep patterns, and social life. Believe it or not, there is a way to achieve a balance amidst all of these elements and I will help you reach it one step at a time.
Welcome to Tovita. I think we’re going to get along.
“While I feel fairly knowledgeable about nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, making positive changes sometimes feels overwhelming while juggling the demands of work and family. Molly’s positive energy is contagious and I find that just sitting down with her empowers me to shift from merely thinking about how life could be to actually going out and committing to change. I suddenly find the time to prepare overnight oats, book a new fitness class and prepare more banana pancakes and homemade pizzas for my children!”
“My time working with Tovita Nutrition was absolutely perfect! From the beginning, I never felt judged for what I ate (even if I ate an entire bag of candy corn...which I did do one day), and I got so many helpful tips to curb cravings in the future. As a college student trying to navigate the world or indulgence (otherwise known as New Orleans), Tovita is incredibly helpful. Whenever I went out with friends, I would send the menu, and in return, I would get 2-3 healthy options back. I learned that it is possible to have fun and still eat healthy—and that lesson in invaluable. I am so thankful I found Tovita!”
“What I gained during those 8 weeks never involved a diet, is was about learning to be intuitive and smart with my eating. Through Tovita’s guidance I lost 12 pounds, but gained so much more. During my family vacation to Orlando I wasn’t a raging diet monster. If I wanted to indulge I did, and mindfully, and when I was over it, I moved on. It sounds simple, and it wasn’t. But having the accountability of knowing someone would check over my food journals, give me advice, and be supportive was helpful. I think the best compliment came when my cousin said, “I’m so glad we can all sit and enjoy a meal, and you’re not over there eating something depressing.” Full disclosure, this was while we were at a Mexican restaurant where I had all the veggies they could pile on a skillet with some chicken and salsa.”
“Whoa...success is right. We love what we see. Before today we were drinking a beer before our workout for some carbs and now we have a bunch of goodies to solve that problem. Honestly the fridge looks great and so do the other snacks etc that you got for us. I personally have already tried a couple things (holy shit the endives...) and so far you get two thumbs up. ”
“I wanted to send a thank you note to you and Tovita Nutrition overall, and again wanted to stress how grateful I am for your help. This is the first recovery method that I have pursued for my eating habits that I have been able to stick with and find sustainable, and for that, I am beyond appreciative (as is my family!).”
“There aren’t enough thanks you I could give Tovita for all the help, guidance and support during our 8 weeks. As someone who has always struggled with weight and used food to deal with my feelings, the Tovita meal plan made it easy to overcome all the obstacles I was having. Leah was extremely relatable and personable, providing me with sessions that I looked forward to each week. She gave me options catered to my busy lifestyle and always answered any questions I had for her (which were a lot). She made eating out easy and worry free and even gave me options to satisfy my sweet tooth. I finally feel as though I have my food issues under control and owe Tovita a big thank you for getting me back on track! ”